36.2 million Americans (22% of the workforce) will be working remotely by 2025. This big change in where people are working is causing a big change in office spaces. Whether your company is going remote, or you are moving buildings, office cleanouts can be a daunting task. Just like moving to a new home, there is a lot to plan out and prepare for. You might be shocked by the amount of things in your office that need to be disposed of.

Office cleanouts can be made easy by implementing good organization tactics. This allows for your company to check off boxes on your list to ensure that the job is getting done. Follow these tips in order to ensure a smooth transition:
1. Pick a Date
You may have a general timeline of when you are expecting to be out of your office, but picking a solid date ensures that all of your checklist will actually get done. It’s always good to have a goal in mind.
2. Notify Your Customers that You are Moving
This may be one of the most important steps that is sometimes overlooked by businesses. Assign someone to notify all your customers of your big move. This will ensure that no one is getting left in the dust and you can keep all your customers happy.

3 Declutter
If you’re moving offices, make this your time to get rid of all the things your company doesn’t actually use. There is nothing better than getting into a fresh space and not having to worry about all of the junk you’ve accumulated.
This is a good time to get rid of paperwork and go digital! During this process you’re going to want to find a company that provides paper shredding. If your office is upgrading its computers or is going completely remote it will also be important to find someone that can properly dispose of computer hard drives to make sure no one can get their hands on your confidential information.
Find a company that can get rid of your unwanted items such as appliances, computers, printers and more.
4. Assign Tasks
This is a great opportunity to give your employees some personal responsibility. Ultimately one person cannot handle the whole load of an office move, so you’re going to want to spread out the responsibility. Pick some of your employees and give them things to oversee.

5. Start A Calendar
Assign yourself tasks that need to be finished by a certain time. This will give you motivation to get things done on time. This calendar will be your running to do list for the whole project.
Office cleanouts can be a daunting task, but it’s important to remember that you will get it done! Don’t forget to ask for help when needed. For help with your office clean out, contact Responsible Recycling Services to see how we can help!